How to get a six pack fast literally depends on your commitment to your goal. You need to integrate training and diet in order to reduce your body fat and burn body fat in order to get a six pack fast.
How to get a six pack also depends either you are doing an sufficient training schedule or if you are trying to perform your goals doing useless exercises like crunches and slow boring cardio.
To get a 6 pack abs you need to integrate power training, along with full body ab movements and integrate that with high intensity interval training. So do a training schedule that includes squats, lunges, chest presses and single arm shoulder presses. Rows, inverted rows, pull ups and chinups. As for full body ab exercises, make sure it includes planks, side planks, planks with one leg elevated and then alternating sides like a swimming kick. Planks with arms on the ball, planks with feet on the ball. And the toughest most advanced ab exercise there is, the pull up with knee raises. Do a quarterly pull up and on the top of the pull up, raise your knees to your chest without swinging your body. Repeat for 8-12 times.
You also need to reduce the layer of fat that covers your core muscles. The best and fastest way to do this is using interval training. Sprint for 15 seconds at full speed and then rest for 45 seconds. Repeat for a total of 8 times.
Make sure to warm up wholly before you do any workout. That way you will prevent injuries and you'll get your body ready for your workout.
Follow this advice and that's how to get a six pack fast. Go to to find out training programs that will show you step by step how to get a six pack fast.
How to Get a Six Pack Fast - Crunches and Situps Are a Waste of Time
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