This workout is an exquisite example of "periodization" training for the shorter race distances. Frequency of the workout is once a week, with an easy day before and after the speed training. I suggest along with this workout in your weekly training agenda for no more than six weeks prior to 5K - 10K race season. Your every year training strategy should involve a multi-month cycle of longer speed interval work progressing in time to shorter speed intervals, culminating in this "fine tuning" sprint build-up workout. This was my key speed workout prior to the start of spring and summer racing season.
An captivating and sometimes captivating aspect of this workout is the inclusion of walking. Some contentious runners feel uncomfortable walking "during" a workout, but the walk/recovery intervals are a very important part of this protocol.
Another important aspect of this workout is form. The speed intervals are going to be sprint build-ups, over the course of a 21 second interval, the runner moderately builds to a full sprint - it is not a full sprint from the start of the interval. Special attention is given to staying relaxed, addition proceed length, retention the arms captivating properly to drive the legs as speed builds. Sprint technique is important and if you have any specific techniques refer to a training running coach.
This workout requires some planning, the proper terrain, and a running watch with a countdown function. A running watch with a countdown function isn't certainly necessary, but it sure helps. I suggest performing this workout on a softer covering with even footing and sufficient room for a right 110 - 130 yard distance. If you can find a golf course fairway early in the morning, you're in great shape. I strongly discourage performing this workout on a paved or hard surface.
The Workout
Two mile warm up Three sets* of 10 x 21 second sprint build-ups with a 30-40 second walk saving in in the middle of each build-up (this works best by seeing a flat stretch and performing a 21 second sprint build-ups using the countdown watch function. After you desist a build-up, walk back to the starting point of the sprint build-up and repeat) Five small walk in in the middle of each set of 10 sprint build-ups. One mile warm down after the final set
*First couple of times you do this workout, start with one or two sets, building up to three sets
Sprint Build-Up Workout for 5K and 10K
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