The iPhone 3G vs. Palm's Treo Smartphone. How Do The Screen and Application Download Stack Up?
I've been a Palm Treo Smartphone fan ever since the Treo 600 was introduced about 5 years ago. Who could have imagined the power in one's hands of a device that could do email, show photos, and add cool applications just by synching to your PC.
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I primarily used productivity apps, like mortgage calculators, Powerpoint, Excel viewers and security software. But, I was also so enamored with the utility of the device that I added things like SplashPhoto to view photos of my family and friends ... all on that gorgeous 240 x 240 screen!
I upgraded to each new release of the Treo ... from the 600 to the 650 and then the 700p. I even got my friends to buy a Treo. When Apple released its first iPhone, I scoffed at my buddies who bought it. I told them that it was a mere toy and not a real productivity device, even though it was also a bluetooth smartphone, like my Treo.
I was determined to stick by my Treo, not just because it was a great productivity device, but also because I had spent so much money on Palm applications ... viewers, presentation software, and utilities.
Then the fateful day, July 11, 2008 arrived ... a day that will live in infamy in my life. Apple launched the iPhone 3G. What was sorely lacking in the 2G version was now available in abundance on the 3G ... 3G connectivity for fast Internet access when not using WIFI and an application download store to make any geek happy.
I stood in line that day to get one of the first 3G phones. I got the white one, mind you. After playing with it for the last 3 months, I must say it is an incredibly fun device. Did I say gorgeous 240 x 240 screen on my Treo 700p? Try 320 x 480 for the iPhone. Photos are stunning and video is engaging to say the least.
There are so many cool things that you can do with your iPhone ... things that you could only drool over in anticipation on the Treo. Consider again, the screen size. I had subscribed to the "all you can eat Internet" on Sprint. I was a proud Treo Internet surfer. But surfing on a 240 x 240 screen is nowhere near as exciting as it is on a 320 x 480 screen.
In fact, the one of the nicest features of the iPhone is its ability to zoon in on the website and / or photo and keep the "text crispness" of the original site. So "what you see is what you get" on the Treo pales in comparison to the iPhone's "what you want is what you see."
This is just the beginning of the battle of "PDA" devices. Clearly, Apple did its homework to hit a sweet spot for users like me who want a device that's part way and ALL play.
There are so many other comparisons both pros and cons between the two devices. For this article, one point goes to Apple.
Treo Smartphone vs IPhone - The Winner Will Surprise You
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